Is video surveillance an effective way to protect your property?

Classic video recording systems are increasingly being replaced by remote video surveillance systems. This allows you to react when there is a threat on the protected premises, instead of spending hours looking for an intruder on the recordings. Remote video surveillance allows to react at the moment when a threat occurs. In the past, the classic approach only allowed to check who or how the theft occurred, but the loss of the object already occurred.
Remote video surveillance provides protection of the area at any time of day and under any conditions. The alarm monitoring station receives alarms only when the video analytics system notices an intruder on the premises. This allows to operate very quickly and reduces the workload of video surveillance operators.
Changing needs
The demand for video surveillance services continues to grow. Alarm monitoring centers can be located at any distance from the protected facility, thanks to remote transmission of alarms. This also gives customers a lot of independence when choosing a company providing video monitoring services.
The demand for video surveillance continues to grow also in smaller facilities, where until now only alarm systems were used. The increase in demand also demonstrates the growing belief in the effectiveness of such solutions. Video protection is the first step towards ensuring the protection of property, even for a small financial outlay. IP cameras and VMS software allow flexible system expansion in the future.
Video surveillance for property protection – how does it work?
Nowadays the most popular solutions are IP cameras and VMS software allowing to record video on the premises. The video algorithms in the cameras or on the servers recording the images allow for effective detection of an intruder or other threat, e.g. fire, smoke, left object, etc. When an event is detected, the alarm information is sent to an alarm monitoring center. Thanks to this, after a few seconds the operator in the center has full situational awareness of what happened at the facility and can immediately take the appropriate intervention. This can be e.g. an audio message delivered through the loudspeaker tube or dispatching an intervention group.
Video analysis of images from cameras is only one of the ways to generate alarms. Alarm initiating devices can also be other solutions for perimetric protection of objects. Wireless intrusion protection systems, alarm detectors, or microwave barriers are increasingly used. When an alarm is triggered by one of the systems, the monitoring operator will receive an image from the associated camera for video verification of the alarm.
Transmitting alarms to the monitoring center undoubtedly has another huge advantage. The alarm video sequence is not only stored locally on the premises, but also saved on the server at the alarm monitoring center. Then, even if the video recording device is stolen or damaged, a copy of the recording will always remain safe on the central server.
Additionally, connecting the local system to the alarm monitoring center has another huge advantage. The monitoring center also monitors at all times the technical condition of all elements used in the system. Thanks to this, e.g. damage to one of the cameras or a disk are immediately detected and can be quickly repaired. This allows you to be sure that the system will always work properly when needed. It also allows you to save the resources necessary for periodic maintenance. When you know that everything is working properly, there is no need to send out service technicians.
Customized design
Video security systems in combination with perimeter security systems should always be customized. Only a properly executed design, allows the system to be as effective as possible. It is also close cooperation with the company that will be responsible for monitoring the facility, which will allow to choose the right technical solutions. It’s very important to select the most vulnerable areas, important zones or places where the probability of occurrence of events is the highest. It is also necessary to determine which people, in which zones and at what time can move around. In the case of large and more complex objects, it’s often necessary to carry out a more extensive risk assessment before preparing the project.
A variety of monitoring methods, both individual and comprehensive, can be used in protected facilities. These includes:
– Access control systems – which also allow the provision of a remote reception service
– Fire alarm systems
– Video surveillance with video analysis, image recording and transmission
– GPS monitoring system allowing additional protection of vehicles and other moving objects.
What are the most important benefits:
– Financial savings – the technical security system is monitored remotely which significantly reduces the cost of its operation
– Flexibility – access to the security system is possible remotely anywhere in the world
– Higher effectiveness of the surveillance system reduces the losses on the objects
– In case of detecting a threat, a security guard receives immediate alarm notification.
As you can see, modern video surveillance systems in coordination with other security systems allow you to fully supervise the protected property. Any attempt of theft can be detected practically in real time and immediate attempts can be made to prevent such an event. It is this time in the moment of danger that is so precious and worth fighting for. It’s worth to fight for every second so that the right intervention can be made.
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