Jun 29, 2022

Perimeter protection has long been considered the most crucial safeguard against intruder penetration into protected facilities. The measures used for perimeter security increasingly include high-quality integrated technical security systems. Protection now consists of physical barriers, which are additionally supported by electronic intrusion detection systems, camera systems, and regular patrols. Wireless technologies in perimeter protection, specifically in fence-mounted systems, are extremely effective and support external area protection. Implementing such a system enables rapid warning, providing reliable protection.
Like all technical solutions, electronic perimeter security has evolved from simple to extremely complex solutions using increasingly sophisticated algorithms. Advanced wireless technologies in perimeter protection enhance access control effectiveness to protected facilities while minimizing installation costs. They rely on MEMS vibration sensors mounted directly on the fence. Each detector monitors a selected fence segment. When any attempt to breach the fence is detected, such as climbing or mechanical damage attempts, the detector immediately transmits an alarm signal to the controller. This is then forwarded to the alarm monitoring center, where the operator sees the intruder’s location on a map.
Cable installation during perimeter protection system setup is sometimes difficult, time-consuming, and costly. Moreover, many facilities exist where cable routing is challenging or impossible due to site conditions. Using wireless technology in perimeter protection eliminates the need for wire installation and surge protection mounting. Wireless technologies are free from surges that could destroy all system components.
The main elements of fence protection are wireless detectors mounted on the fence, creating a protection line where each element has its unique identifier. This system addressability allows easy integration with PTZ cameras. The camera automatically turns toward the detector that detected the threat.
The system operates by sequentially transmitting radio signals from one sensor to another. If one fails, the signal is transmitted to the next one at distances up to 20 meters. One detector’s radio power automatically increases when such a failure is detected. Sensors continuously transmit data about alarms, errors, wind strength, and technical condition to the monitoring unit at the line’s end. The monitoring unit sends all collected data to the central controller for analysis. By analyzing signals from multiple detectors, effective false alarm filtering is possible.
How Does Wireless Perimeter Protection Work?
The fence-mounted system’s greatest advantage for perimeter protection is using wireless technology for data transmission. It relies on RFID sensors comprising a three-axis accelerometer and electronic gyroscope. These elements allow devices to track any changes in their position that occur when an intruder touches the protected fence. This detects climbing on the fence or attempts to breach fence integrity through cutting, lifting, or bending. Attempts to remove the sensors themselves are also registered in real-time, generating an alarm signal. All wirelessly transmitted data is encrypted. The identifiers are attached directly to the fence using special mounting plates adapted to each fence type.
A characteristic of fence-mounted security systems is that they can be installed on various fence types, e.g., mesh, panel, welded, or wooden fences. One sensor can monitor one or two fence spans, depending on its type. In wireless technology, detector installation and potential removal are very quick, making them suitable for monitoring temporary facilities like construction sites. Protected areas of stationary objects can also be easily expanded by adding additional elements and only changing the entire system’s configuration.
Wireless perimeter protection is also used to protect warehouses, military facilities, critical infrastructure, parking lots, private homes, and businesses.
Why is Wireless Perimeter Protection Necessary?
The growing scale of threats makes perimeter protection an increasingly important element of security for both state and private facilities. Extensive facilities are frequent targets of attacks and break-ins. Technical measures help minimize losses for business owners and quickly respond to emerging threats. For effective perimeter protection of facilities, resistance to false alarms caused by rain, storms, or wind is important. This is achieved through simultaneous event detection by several detectors and analysis of all collected signals. Wireless perimeter protection can work with various VSM/PSIM programs to integrate technical security systems.
Perimeter protection, and more broadly, facility security, should be approached holistically based on a detailed concept. An event detected by the perimeter protection system should trigger an appropriate alarm procedure. Such procedures should be included in the developed security concept. Establishing appropriate coincidence with other systems, e.g., video monitoring, allows the system operator to quickly verify detected events visually. This holistic approach enables much more effective operation and, most importantly, significantly reduces system utilization costs in subsequent years.
The development of wireless perimeter protection systems is progressing very rapidly. Systems are becoming more advanced and reliable than their predecessors. New technological capabilities allow security installers and integrators to offer their clients an additional protection level in the form of perimeter zone security.
System configuration can be closed or open. The closed system uses only one monitoring unit operating in both signal reception and transmission modes. The open system uses two such devices installed at line ends, one for signal transmission, the other for reception. Up to 10 monitoring units can be simultaneously connected to one central controller. Specialized software provided by the manufacturer is used for system configuration and control.
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